There are a handful of lies that you have been told to help prevent you from cutting the cord. There are a variety of reasons for this. One being that the cable company benefits. Advertising companies and companies advertising benefit because a lot of streaming services don’t have ads. Here are many of those lies.
Online Streaming Service Have Commercials
This is only partially true. It depends on what online streaming service you use. Many streaming services are free of advertisements or you can pay to skip the advertisement (Hulu). The services that have advertisements are typically those who allow you to stream live television.
The Cable Companies Will Always Dominate
A lot of people believe it when they have been told that cable companies will always be dominant in the television and movie industry. This isn’t true. People don’t like over paying and as long as cable companies keep charging exorbitant amounts of money to people who watch 8 channels out of 125, then people will keep looking for alternatives that cost less. In the past few years, more and more people have been leaving their cable behind than ever before.
You Have To Wait to Watch Current Television
The lie that you have to wait to watch current television was once not really a lie. Netflix pioneered streaming services but they only offered previously aired full seasons. Now there are options. With services like Hulu you have to wait 24 hours before the show is available to stream. With DirectTV Now, PlayStation Vue, and Sling TV, you can watch television live.
There Aren’t Many Options For Online Streaming
In the modern world, we are all used to having only one option for cable providers where we live. This is because the cable world is set up as a monopoly. You will find a lot of people telling you there aren’t options for online streaming. There are many companies offering online streaming and with that a variety of different types of services. Here are some:
Current Television
- Hulu
Past Television and Movies
- Amazon Prime
- Hulu
- Netflix
Original Television and Movies
- Amazon Prime
- Hulu
- Netflix
- YouTube Red
Live Streaming of Television Channels
- DirectTV Now
- PlayStation Vue
- Sling TV
The Only Good Content Comes From Major Television Channels
A lot of people spread the lie that the only good television content comes from major television channels. This is because cable channels are the original creators of television content and they are what people are used to. However, there are plenty of options for original content. Hulu, Amazon Prime, and Netflix all have originals. A good number of those are better received than some television shows.
You Can’t Watch Sports
It is true that sports agencies have always been a little careful who they allow to access their content. They have even sued people over illegal access of their content. This is what has started the popular belief that you can’t watch sports once you cut the cable. Most sports agencies have their own streaming service. You can also watch sports on live streaming services like Sling TV. Lastly, you can pick up local sports channels with antennas in some locations.
Streaming Television And/Or Movies Is Illegal
At one point in time there weren’t any providers of digital content for movies or television. That meant that people had to become pirates in order to watch said content. That is no longer the case and it hasn’t been for a while. All of the major streaming companies and a lot of the smaller ones are completely legal. They work closely with providers to get the content they offer.
These are just some of the lies that have surrounded the cable cutting world. This is because cord cutting poses a threat to a lot of major businesses. The fact is though, that these businesses did it to themselves by charging more than the service is worth, creating difficult to break contracts, and charging fees that people don’t even understand.
If you want to make the move to cutting the cord then take a look at our blog. We have dedicated it to providing the information and resources you need to finally break away from your cable company.